Ginger and Fennel Granita: Refreshing & Delicious!

Ginger and Fennel Granita

Ginger and Fennel Granita

Ginger and Fennel are a wonderful combination!

Especially when their flavors are paired together in a granita.

Frozen, these two flavors combine into something that is refreshing!

I have made this exact granita recipe many times.  Most recently, it was showcased as an intermezzo course on a special tasting menu I prepared as a guest chef for Celebrity Cruises’ Silhouette. 

  ( To see the post on this guest chef appearance click —> )


Many guests were apprehensive as to how this flavor combination was going to taste.

Some guests explained nicely to me that they really didn’t like ginger or fennel.  How could this be? I kept asking myself how can someone say they don’t like this particular granita if they have never tried it?

The flavors of this granita are subtle, sweet, and refreshing.  It does not have the overpowering fennel and ginger flavors these people were thinking of and didn’t like.

There were only about a small handful of guests that fell into this dislike category and somehow I convinced them to just try it when it came time for the intermezzo course.  A tasting menu is an experience of flavors!


Needless to say, that when it came time to serve the granita I stayed back and waited until all were almost finished.  Then I approached each and every guest that was a part of the “dislike” crowd and, one by one, all were pleasantly surprised by how truly delicious and refreshing the granita was.

 The bottom line is that this granita is a winner! 

Ginger and Fennel Granita I highly suggest giving this recipe a try this summer. 

 It’s refreshing and absolutely simple to make. 

 And, who knows you may even win over some in your crowd who dislike ginger and fennel, as well.