Grilled Roman Burger & Fennel Slaw

Grilled Roman Burger & Fennel Slaw

Roman Burger

Now that autumn is upon us we can enjoy the cooler weather and some end of the summer season grilling.

The temperatures have  dropped and this time of the year is excellent for outdoor BBQ’s .

In autumn the warmth of the grill is very much so welcomed…especially in the crisp evenings. This is a whole different kind of grilling than summertime.

“Autumn, is the most  favorite season of the year for a great majority of chefs… including myself.”

This is  “Harvest Time” and harvest time means… menu changing time!  For me, it also means a last “Hooraa!”… to out door grilling  for North-easterners in the United States as well as many other places around the world.

Roman Burgers: are quick to make… the seasonings and Feta cheese that are incorporated into it are  truly a delicious touch, by adding  a fantastic depth of flavor when grilled over an open flame.

The flame should be mild and the coals red hot before grilling… to ensure maximum grilling flavor.

Fennel Slaw: The fennel slaw is  truly a perfect accompaniment  for this burger. It moistens the burger, delivers a fresh and lively flavor to the while  all along adding  an extra element of Mediterranean flavors.

The “Fennel Slaw” is also great served chilled as an additional side dish for BB-Q’s and picnics.

“This burger must be made before grilling season ends this year…it’s a true winner!”


“I made these burgers as a supplement to our “San Gennaro” menu in Little Italy, NYC. The response was so positive to these burgers and the amount of people that came back after the feast asking for them was so great it was truly incredible, so much so that they became a mainstay and a staple the lunch menu.”


Savor Life…One Bite…At a Time