National Catholic Register | Keeping The Faith

True faith is always a work in progress for us, but well worth the positive rewards. After many years of living in my refound faith, I was contacted, just before the holidays last year, by the National Catholic Register which is a news service of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), America’s premier Catholic cable network. They wrote an article about me and my journey back to religion.

20 Health Benefits Of Chocolate

Like many people I find chocolate hard to resist. Unfortunately though, chocolate is a touchy subject and is often regarded as an indulgent treat because it is mainly associated with weight gain and acne. Americans spend $10 billion annually on chocolate treats. It is not all bad news though; countless studies now show dark chocolate has […]

Has The Local Movement Gone To Far?

Menus have become a launching ground of advertisement for local growers and producers. Is the local movement a good thing? Yes, you bet it is! Locally grown and made products are the epitome of freshness. Buying them helps to keep local businesses thriving. But, as a chef I feel menus need not describe every local products point of origin and not feel that you are trapped in a local movement.